New demand for equipment repair:

warranty claims and out-of-warranty repairs

Dear customer, if you are not sure whether your device comes from the official distribution, we recommend you to contact your seller directly with your complaint. Alternatively, you can send a distribution verification request to .

Completing and submitting the repair form does not automatically verify the distribution and service capability of VSP DATA, Inc. and cannot be relied upon to complete this form.

VSP DATA, a.s. only services the following Xiaomi products: mobilní telefony, tablety, koloběžky, elektrokola, čističky vzduchu, robotické a ruční vysavače, projektory, TV boxy, LCD monitory, bezpečnostní kamery a Wi-Fi routery, Xiaomi hodinky, Xiaomi smart pen. Other Xiaomi products are not repaired at VSP DATA a.s. and you have to contact the dealer with a complaint.

In case the device was purchased from je možno zaslat jakékoliv zařízení, je však nutno doložit nákup prodejním dokladem či fakturou

In case of sending devices from unofficial distribution or unsupported Xiaomi ECO products to VSP DATA,a.s. you are at risk of being charged.

If you do not wish to proceed with a warranty repair that could result in the loss of user data, please include this information in the description of the issue, along with a note that the customer wishes to be contacted by the service before the repair takes place.

Chcete-li odeslat Váš televizor na servis, není možné využít přepravní službu Zásilkovna. Doporučujeme ve formuláři pro opravu zvolit v sekci "Požadujete vyzvednutí zásilky?" možnost Ano, a my se o vyzvednutí zařízení postaráme. Upozorňujeme, že v případě placené opravy bude k celkové ceně připočítán poplatek za dopravu.

If the device is sent in unsuitable packaging, you will be charged for new packaging when sending the device back.

Enter the serial number or IMEI number and the system tries to fill other details:
* obligatory
Device with a SIM card:
15-digit, find it by typing the code *#06# on your device or on the back side under the battery.
: *
: *
: *
Briefly and clearly describe how the failure of the device occurs.
For quick and quality repair it is needed to send the exact fault description.
Who sold you the device?
Preliminary agreement with a price limit for repair. If not filled, we will send you a quote. By filling you can significantly reduce repair time, because we will not delay during sending quotations and its agreeing.
If non-warranty repair, you can give preliminary agreement with a price limit for repair. If this case occurs and price limit is not filled, we will send you a quote. By filling you can significantly reduce repair time, because we will not delay during sending quotations and its agreeing.
Only actually consumed parts, work, and transportation will be charged.

Billing address

: *
: *
: *
: *
Country of customer:
Česká republika
Change above.

Handing device into the service

Tick ​​YES if you want us to pick up the shipment at your address. This is not repair in warranty, transport costs will be charged. If the repair is Out of Warranty, costs will be charged to you.


xiaomi Service Centre
Service Park area
Průmyslová 1181
391 02 Sezimovo Ústí II
Česká republika
: *
If you request a repair as a legal entity, fill the name of the company, if as an individual, fill your name and surname.
: *
: *
: *
Country of customer:
Česká republika
Change above.

Method of returning the shipment

Tato přeprava je vhodná pouze pro zásilky do 5 kg a maximálniho rozměru jedné strany zásilky do 70 cm.
Fill the name of the person that we will contact in case of any uncertainty.
Uveďte přijmení osoby, kterou budeme kontaktovat v případě jakýchkoli nejasností.
: *
If you request a repair as a legal entity, fill the name of the company, if as an individual, fill your name and surname.
: *
: *
: *
Country of customer:
Česká republika
Change above.
Fill the name of the person that we will contact in case of any uncertainty.
If you want to send a copy of this form to e-mail, select YES.

Can we use your personal information without your consent?

Yes, we can use you personal information without your consent but only for following purposes:

  • In order to provide you service or a product (fulfillment of a mutual contract, which also includes the actual use of a particular service without the need of a signature).
  • Fulfillment of legal obligations that result from generally binding legal regulations.

The possibility and legality of such processing results directly from applicable legal regulations, and your consent to such processing is not necessary.

Additional information is included in "General VSP DATA a.s. Terms and Conditions" , the chapter Privacy Policy and Other Data Processing

Dear customer,

z důvodu zkvailtňování služeb servisu bychom Vás rádi požádali o zaslání vytištěného a podepsaného přiloženého dokumentu, kde nám udělujete souhlas s poskytnutím Vašich osobních dat společnosti Xiaomi. Tento podepsaný dokument zašlete společně se zařízením do servisu. Neposkytnutí souhlasu neovlivní vyřízení reklamace v servisu.


Do not forget to attach filled warranty card or tax document(invoice).
In the case of a accessories complaint (e.g. headphones, battery) it is necessary to send the device too - mobilephone, tablet, etc.